Results and Ofsted
Guilsborough C of E Primary was given an overall effectiveness rating of Good by Ofsted in July 2022.
A full copy of this inspection is available to download here.
In March 2023, we received our most recent church school (SIAMS) inspection. The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Guilsborough as a Church of England was rated as Good.
A full copy of this inspection is available to download here.
Other useful Ofsted weblinks are shown below.
DFE find and compare schools in England
Results & School Performance Tables
Progress and attainment charts
KS2 Progress results - 2023
Reading |
Writing |
Maths |
Progress Score |
Confidence Interval |
Progress Score |
Confidence Interval |
Progress Score |
Confidence Interval |
(-1.1 to 5.3) |
1.0 |
(-2.1 to 4.0) |
0.2 |
(-2.8 to 3.2) |
Year 6 SATS Data 2024
KS2 (Year 6) 2023-2024 8% per pupil |
Expected Standard
Greater Depth Standard |
Average Scaled score
Reading |
National |
74% |
28% |
105 |
School |
92% |
42% |
109 |
Writing |
National |
72% |
13% |
NA |
School |
67% |
25% |
NA |
Mathematics |
National |
73% |
24% |
104 |
School |
83% |
17% |
104 |
National |
72% |
32% |
105 |
School |
83% |
25% |
104 |
Combine |
National |
61% |
8% |
NA |
School |
67% |
8% |
Our KS2 results and School performance data is held online at the Education website, which can be found here.