Guilsborough C of E Primary School

Guilsborough C of E Primary School

Our Staff

Headteacher: Mrs. K. Shilliam

Business Manager and Bursar: Mrs. D. Sharpe

Office Administrator: Miss N. Burdett


Reception and Year 1:

Teachers: Mrs. L. Preston and Mrs. S. Shields

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. L. Moyes and Mrs. K. Adams


Class 2/3:

Teacher: Mrs D. Holcombe (Senior Leadership Team and SENDCo)

Teaching Assistant: Miss. S. Davy


Class 4/5 :

Teacher: Miss. E. Patrick

Teaching Assistant: Miss A. Merrett

Class 5/6:

Teacher: Mr. R. Fletcher (Senior Leadership Team)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. J. Martin


SENDCo: Mrs. D. Holcombe

Pastoral Support: Mrs. J. Martin

High Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA): Miss. S. Davy and Miss A. Merrett


Lunchtime Play Leaders: Mrs. O'Sullivan, Mrs. Pinchback, Ms Tannock, Mrs Williams and Miss Merrett

School Cook:  Kingswood Catering


Wrap Around Care: Mrs Williams and Miss Eustace

Premises officer: Mr. I. Ashmore

Cleaners: Mr and Mrs. Evans


Staff Responsibility

Alphabetical order:

Mr Fletcher: English, History and Geography

Mrs Holcombe: SEND, Mathematics and Science 

Miss Patrick: Computing, Online Safety, Religious Education, Collective Worship and Modern Foreign Languages

Mrs Preston: Phonics Lead

Mrs Shields: Early Years Foundation stage and Phonics Lead

Mrs Shilliam: Music, Art, Design Technology, Personal, Social and Health & Economic Education and Physical Education